Alice aims to build an innovative and adaptive environment for e-learning and to combine personalization, collaboration, and simulation aspects within an affective/emotional based approach. Moreover Alice strongly wants to contribute to the overcoming of the current e-learning systems and contents’ limitations. Such a learning environment will be interactive, challenging and context aware and will provide users with empowerment, social identity and authentic learning experience.
Alice defined models and methodologies will be used as a basis to develop prototype software components. Such components will be integrated in the learning platform IWT (Intelligent Web Teacher).
IWT is a complete e-learning and knowledge management platform. IWT delivers personalized courses based on learner’s previous knowledge and preferences allowing them to learn only required concepts through the most feasible learning resources. IWT architecture is modular, this allows the deployment of solutions capable to cover different application scenarios by composing service building blocks. 
To do that ALICE will perform research on the following themes:
- Collaborative Learning
- Simulation and Serious Games
- Storytelling
- Affective and Emotional Approaches
- New Forms of Assessment
- Adaptive e-Learning