Intelligent Training Service For Management Training in SMEs


The InTraServ consortium is composed by a technology supplier (CRMPA) and by five member SMEs coming from different economic sector and different European countries. 

The provenance from different sectors will provide a rich environment for demonstration and test and will show the potential for wider exploitation. Moreover, the provenance from two different European countries (Italy and Spain) will demonstrate the European dimension of the project without affecting the efficient realisation of project objectives. 

The consortium includes the following companies:

CRMPA (Centre for Research in Pure and Applied Mathematics) from Salerno, Italy, will co-ordinate the whole project. It is moreover the technology and content provider. Its contribution will interest mainly the system customisation, the learning material creation, the management, the dissemination and the exploitation. The work to be done in relation to user needs gathering, experimentation and evaluation activities will be carried out in strict collaboration with ASIMAG.

ASIMAG (Alonso Y Garay S.L.) from Bilbao, Spain, is a SME dealing with training consultancy addressing both classical and new technologies based training. It is able to grant the appropriate experience to evaluate the project. It will collaborate strictly with CRMPA during the training need gathering activity, it will participate strongly in the definition of the evaluation plan and it will lead Spanish experimentation and evaluation phase. Being a SME, ASIMAG will act as a user too during the experimentation phase.

9ICTA (Iniciatives de Comunicaci� I Telem�tica Aplicada S.A.L.) from Barcelona, Spain, is a SME dealing mainly with applied telematic. It will collaborate as an user of the proposed training solution both in the user needs gathering and in the experimentation phase.

MA (Metafore ed Analogie S.r.l.) from Avellino, Italy, is a consultancy SME. It will collaborate as an user of the proposed training solution both in the user needs gathering and in the experimentation phase. 

CAVAMARKET (CAVAMARKET S.p.A.), from Salerno, Italy, is a commercial SME. It will collaborate as an user of the proposed training solution both in the user needs gathering and in the experimentation phase.

PASI (PASI S.r.l.) from Naples, Italy, is a commercial SME. It will collaborate as an user of the proposed training solution both in the user needs gathering and in the experimentation phase.

Centro di Ricerca in Matematica Pura ed Applicata
Questions about InTraServ can be sent to:
Last Update: 04-02-03.