The project management structure of InTraServ
is composed by: a Project Co-ordinator (PC), an Exploitation Manager (EM), a
Financial Manager (FM), several Workpackage Leader (WLs). Such structure allow
the actual control of the project without imposing too many overheads.

Project Co-ordinator
He is in contact with partners and members at regular intervals, to check if
everything is right, he is the interface with the EC for the project, he holds
regular meetings, he accurately records costs, resources and time scale, he
ensures integration of periodic progress reports and their delivery to the EC,
he co-ordinates the preparation of reviews, he ensures that the project is in
line with its objectives, he ensures that the project maintains its relevance to
the IST programme.
Exploitation Manager
In a staff position with respect to the Project Co-ordinator, an Exploitation
Manager assists in finding optimal market and business opportunities. He is
responsible for ensuring a smooth transition to commercial exploitation by
monitoring the progress of the trial and the results of evaluation. The
Exploitation Manager reports potential problems in exploitation and suggests
corrective actions related to business improvements to the Project Co-ordinator.
Financial Manager
In a staff position with respect to the Project Co-ordinator, a Financial
Manager handles the project�s financial and administrative management
activities. He reports on these matters to the Project Co-ordinator.
Workpackage Leaders
Each workpackage has a Workpackage Leader nominated by the
workpackage responsible company. They ensure that the timing, costs and
resources are kept in line and flag any discrepancy immediately to the Project
Co-ordinator; they initiate corrective action for programme deviation; they
ensure that the objective and results of activities within the work-packages are
achieved; they ensure that the deliverables are available according to the
schedule; they attend all relevant meeting and, in exceptional cases, send a
substitute; they co-ordinate activities for the nominated work-package.