Intelligent Training Service For Management Training in SMEs |
The main objective of the InTraServ project is to try and evaluate an innovative Web-based intelligent training solution in different real SME environments operating in different fields. The project plans to face several issues stated by the eEurope initiative in the context of the "working in the knowledge-based economy" action. This lead to the definition of the subsequent set of main goals to be reached by the project.
In order to fulfil the quoted main goals, we identify a set of operational goals to be reached and the means to achieve them. Objective 1 To build up a Web-based training brokerage service around the proposed platform and to let real SMEs subscribe to such service. For this purpose, the InTraServ consortium includes (in addition to the technology and content provider i.e. CRMPA) 5 member SMEs (ASIMAG and 9ICTA from Spain; MA, CAVAMARKET and PASI from Italy) coming from different business areas (retail trade, informatics, consultancy). Objective 2 To create a metadata indexed learning object base covering a set of common training needs for member SMEs about the management training. The learning task for managers, in fact, is becoming a critical element for the survival and the success of enterprises in the global competitive scenery. Given its generality (it is applicable for quite all kind of SMEs) we chose to adopt such main topic during this trial. In order to be used inside the system, such set of learning objects will be indexed through metadata schemes reflecting the IEEE LOM standard. This standardisation effort will ensure the re-usability of created objects by computer supported training systems adopting the same standard. For this reason, indirectly, this trial will contribute to the diffusion of the new-born LOM standard in real world applications. Objective 3 To customise the actual training platform prototype by integrating a set of simulations covering many aspects of the manager decision making process. In particular we will integrate in the system a set of business games already available as outcomes of other research projects carried out by CRMPA. Objective 4 To evaluate the benefits of the InTraServ approach to training in terms of the degree of satisfaction of SMEs training needs. The key challenges to be addressed to satisfy such needs concern:
Experts will be exploited to collect empirical data through measurements in order to evaluate at what extent the InTraServ platform and the underlying training model is able to satisfy such set of needs and challenges and, in general, to cover all aspects of usability, efficiency and effectiveness of the learning support. Other challenges, related to pedagogical aspects, will be evaluated during the trial:
Objective 5 To sketch and evaluate a sustainable business model around the proposed solution. In particular, the ASP chosen approach will offer to customer access to InTraServ without making up-front investments in buying the application, servers and other resources and in hiring new staff. The platform will be reachable from clients remotely, over the Internet. In this way the service can be managed, supported and extended by the technology provider from a central location rather then by each customer at his own site. A business model exploiting this idea will be defined during the "exploitation" workpackage. An estimation of economic benefits for SMEs deriving from the adoption of such approach will be then carried out. Objective 6 To disseminate the know-how resulting from the trial through the European Community. InTraServ will collaborate strictly with GAMBIT, an other EC founded trial addressing management training in SMEs. Moreover, in order to widen the ranges of its dissemination, InTraServ will participate in other clusters of EC projects addressing training for SMEs. To extend the obtained results to the scientific and enterprise community, the submission of papers to conferences and workshops on the theme is forecasted. |