Intelligent Training Service For Management Training in SMEs


InTraServ is an EC funded project under the 5th Framework Programme - Information Society Technologies (contract IST-2000-29377). The main project objective is to try and evaluate an innovative Web-based intelligent training solution for manager upgrading in real SME environments operating in different fields.

The proposed solution is based on a training platform obtained as integration of the results of several previous research projects carried out by CRMPA. It includes several state-of-the-art technologies such as: metadata and ontologies for knowledge manipulation, fuzzy learner modelling and case based reasoning. Within such environment, a learner can choose between three different training approaches.

The learner can select a particular set of topics from an ontology of covered arguments and let the system arrange a personalised self-adaptive course about such topics (the personalisation is based on user profiling).

The learner can use the system to solve daily working problems. Problems are faced by the system using a case based reasoning (CBR) methodology i.e. comparing the current problem (case) with similar solved problems in a case base and ranking all found solutions.

The learner can exercise about learnt topic using a set of embedded working scenario simulations (business games) that allow concrete experiences through experimentation (learning by discovery).

Basing on such characteristics, the InTraServ project will introduce in small and medium European enterprises a complete on-the-job intelligent training system geared toward managers upgrading and able to tailor courses upon user needs and inferred user profiles (just-in-time on-the-job personalised training).

Four courses covering several aspects of the managerial training will be made available in three languages (Italian, English, Spanish): Business Decision, Marketing, Marketing Management, Marketing Research and Management Control. The first one will be made available during the project duration while the others will be completed after its end during the exploitation of the product.

Within the InTraServ platform, moreover, a set of business games addressing the business decision process through a "what�if" approach will be integrated. In particular, two business games will be made available: a Business Game for Strategic Decisions and a Business Game on Management Control. Also in this case, the first one will be made available during the project duration while the second one will be completed after its end.

Using the InTraServ solution, it will be possible for a manager to take personalized training between working tasks, to evaluate the formal knowledge acquired and to transform it in practical knowledge by experimenting what learnt in simulated situations exploiting InTraServ business games. When, finally, the manager will master such knowledge, he can apply it inside the organization. Moreover, using InTraServ, a manager can be supported during his decision making process by exploiting the CBR real case solver component.

The platform will be made available exploiting an Application Service Provision methodology (ASP) i.e. the platform will be reachable from clients remotely, over the Internet. This will offer customer access to InTraServ without making up-front investments in buying the application and the required servers or in hiring new specialized staff. In this way, moreover, the service can be managed, supported and extended by the technology provider from a central location rather then by each customer at his own site.

Project duration is 18 months. It started the 1st December 2001 and succesfully ended the 31st May 2003.

Centro di Ricerca in Matematica Pura ed Applicata
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Last Update: 04-02-03.