Oct 2023 - Current

Associate Professor at the Department of Information Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Applied Mathematics (DIEM) of the University of Salerno

Teaching and research activity in the area of Information Engineering. Teaching of Software Engineering, Software Architectures for Enterprise Systems, Agile Software Processes and DevOps for the degree and master degree courses in Information Engineering. Research activity on Artificial Intelligence in Education, Natural Language Processing, Knowledge Representation and Deep Learning.

Nov 2022 - Sep 2023

Associate Professor at the School of Engineering of the University of Basilicata

Teaching and research activity in the area of Information Engineering. Teaching of Fundamentals of Computer Science for the degree courses in Mechanical and Civil Engineering, Complements of Software Engineering for the master degree course in Information Engineering, Information Processing Systems for the degree course in Medicine and Surgery. Research activity on Artificial Intelligence in Education, Natural Language Processing, Knowledge Representation and Deep Learning.

Dec 2019 - Oct 2022

Researcher at the School of Engineering of the University of Basilicata

Teaching and research activity in the area of Information Engineering. Teaching of Fundamentals of Computer Science for the degree courses in Mechanical and Civil Engineering. Research activity on Artificial Intelligence in Education, Fuzzy Systems, Knowledge Representation and Deep Learning.

Oct 2017 - Sep 2021

Adjunct Lecturer at the University of Salerno

Teaching of Algorithms and Data Structures for the degree course in Computer Engineering, Fundamentals of Computer Science for the degree course in Communication Sciences, Computer Science Laboratory for the degree course in Economics and Management.

Dec 2003 - Dec 2019

Technical Officer at the University of Salerno

Appointed to the Research Laboratory on Knowledge Management and Information Systems (until 2016) and to the Research Laboratory on Intelligent Machines for Video, Image and Audio Recognition (since 2017). Technical-scientific activities on Computational Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence in Education and Knowledge-based Systems. Collaboration in research and development projects.

Mar 2004 - May 2014

Research Consultant at MOMA S.p.A.

Collaboration in IT projects for the analysis, design and development of software applications. Participation in research and development activities in the e-Learning and knowledge management fields.

May 1998 - Dec 2010

Researcher at the Research Centre in Pure and Applied Mathematics (CRMPA)

Research activities on Artificial Intelligence topics in complex projects at regional, national and European level. Coordination of teams and research projects, also of a trans-company and international nature. Monitoring, planning and proposition of co-financed actions on competitive tenders.

Dec 1999 - Nov 2003

Research Assistant at the Department of Information Engineering and Applied Mathematics (DIIMA) of the University of Salerno

Holder of a Research Grant on Artificial Intelligence. Collaboration in the preparation and proposal of actions with regional, national and European community funding.

Other Appointments

Independent expert evaluator of research and innovation project proposals for the European Commission within the Horizon Europe programme (since 2022) and for the Piedmont Region within the PRISM-E programme (in 2020)

Member of the teaching board of the PhD course in Innovation Sciences for Defence and Security of the Higher University School of Defence, Italy (since 2021)

Delegate for the computerization of administrative procedures and services for the University of Basilicata (from 2020 to 2023)

Technical Assistant for the National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (ANVUR) in the context of the Research Quality Assessment (VQR) for the years 2015-2019

Member of the SmartLearn Research Group at the Open University of Catalonia (since 2017)

Associate Editor and Editorial Board Member of International Journals, Co-Editor of International Books, Track Chair and Program Committee Member in International Conferences

Education and Qualifications

Master's Degree with Honors in Computer Science achieved in 1998 from the University of Salerno, with a dissertation on the Classification of Stars and Galaxies using Neural Networks

Ph.D. in Computer Science and Computer Engineering achieved in 2018 from the University of Salerno with a dissertation on Fuzzy Models for Group Decision Making and Applications to e-Learning and Recommender Systems

National Scientific Qualification as Academic Full Professor in Information Processing Systems obtained in 2021 from the Italian Ministry of Education

National Scientific Qualification as Academic Associate Professor in Computer Science (obtained in 2015) and Information Processing Systems (obtained in 2019) from the Italian Ministry of Education

Project Management Professional Credential obtained in 2005 from the Project Management Institute demonstrating competence and experience in project management processes and knowledge areas (on-line registry)


Best Paper Award to: N. Capuano, F. Orciuoli, Application of Fuzzy Ordinal Peer Assessment in Formative Evaluation, 12th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, GRID, Cloud and Internet Computing, 2017

2nd Best Paper Award to: N. Capuano, M. Gaeta, S. Miranda, F. Orciuoli, P. Ritrovato, LIA: an Intelligent Advisor for e-Learning, World Summit on the Knowledge Society, 2008


Download CV (updated in November 2022)