Adaptive Learning via Intuitive/interactive, Collaborative and Emotional systems
Abstract: Alice has defined, developed and experimented an innovative adaptive environment for e-learning able to combine personalization, simulation, storytelling, collaboration and assessment with emotional and affective aspects and to contribute to overcome the limitations of current e-learning systems and content with respect to learners' engagement. The proposed environment is interactive, challenging and context aware and enables learners'; demand of empowerment, social identity, and authentic learning experiences. Alice was co-funded by the European Commission under the ICT Priority of the Seventh Framework Programme.
My Role: Research and Technology Manager (from June 2009 to July 2012).
Concepts and Methods for Exploring the Future of Learning with Digital Technologies
Abstract: Kaleidoscope was a European Network of Excellence shaping the scientific evolution of technology enhanced learning. It integrated the leading research teams in the field, who worked across educational, computer and social sciences to transform the quality and reach of the learning experience. Kaleidoscope fostered innovation and creativity through the development of new technologies, methodologies and concepts, defining the challenges and solutions for interdisciplinary research in technology enhanced learning. Kaleidoscope was co-funded by the European Commission under the IST Priority of the Sixth Framework Programme.
My Role: Leader of the Special Interest Group (SIG) on Learning Grid; Steering Committee Member of the SIG on Artificial Intelligence in Education (from January 2004 to December 2007).
A Training Web Broker for ICT Professionals
Abstract: Diogene was aimed to design, implement and evaluate an innovative Web-based training environment for ICT able to support learners during the whole cycle of training, from the definition of objectives to the assessment of results through the construction of custom self-adaptive courses. The resulting system included innovative features like ontologies for knowledge representation, fuzzy learner modeling, intelligent course tailoring, dynamic learning strategies, assisted learning objectives definition and Semantic Web openness. Diogene was co-funded by the European Commission under the IST Priority of the Fifth Framework Programme.
My Role: Project Coordinator (from April 2002 to October 2004).
Intelligent Training Service For Management Training in Small and Medium Enterprises
Abstract: The purpose of InTraServ was to experiment and evaluate an intelligent training solution for managers of Small and Medium Enterprises operating in different fields. The project addressed the customization of a prototype training system, the integration of a set of business games, the development of a set of personalized courses, the experimentation of the obtained solution in real enterprises, its evaluation and the dissemination of the obtained results. InTraServ was co-funded by the European Commission under the IST Priority of the Fifth Framework Programme.
My Role: Project Coordinator (from December 2001 to May 2003).