Diogene Network Reception
 Introduction  Objectives  Participants  Workplan  Archive  Members  


The work to be done during the project can be summarised as follows. First of all, Diogene partners will individuate and formalise a set of requirements that the training environment must have to best match their needs. Then an activity purposed to the definition of a knowledge representation methodology able to describe Learning Objects in a machine-understandable way and a learner model able to formally profile learners in terms of actual acquired knowledge, learning preferences and styles, will be undertaken.

When first outputs from this latter activity will be ready, the implementation of a set of software tools for Learning Object knowledge modelling to be used during the course arrangement phase will start. Then a Main Ontology covering the Information and Communication Technology will be created and a Metadata indexed set of high quality courses will be arranged by content provider partners. Contemporary, the core system design phase will start, basing on requirements arose during the analysis phase and on the defined learner and knowledge models. All Diogene modules will be then implemented and integrated by technology provider partners.

When courses and a first Diogene prototype will be available, the experimentation phase with real users will start, monitored by experts of training evaluation. Contemporary, the implementation phase will continue in order to refine the first prototype by exploiting comments and suggestions that will arise from the experimentation phase. The final Diogene prototype will be evaluated basing on experimental results.

A sustainable business model around the proposed solution will be defined and benchmarked. Moreover, research activities and project results will be widely disseminated.

The following diagram depicts the subdivision of the work in workpackages and the time scheduling of each one of them. The subsequent list will describe objectives of each workpackage.

To focus on DIOGENE stakeholders in order to discover and formalise the set of requirements that the training environment must have to best match their needs. To specify an appropriate evaluation framework for DIOGENE services.

To define a knowledge representation methodology able to describe learning objects in a machine-understandable way and a student model able to formally profile students in terms of actual acquired knowledge (cognitive states), preferences, learning styles and learning goals.

To design and implement a couple of tools for Learning Object knowledge modelling to be used during the Course Arrangement phase.

To create a Main n upper oOntology covering the Information and Communication Technology and to arrange a metadata indexed learning object base of “high quality” material about a subset of ICT topics.

To design the core system basing on the requirements arose during the analysis phase and the student and knowledge model defined in WP2.

To implement all Diogene modules as defined in the design and to integrate them. To refine the first prototype by exploiting comments and suggestions that will arise from the experimentation phase.

To apply and validate the DIOGENE methodology and software tools with real users inside and outside a real enterprise environment monitored by experts of training evaluation. To evaluate DIOGENE basing on experimental results.

To monitor the evolution of standards for student and knowledge modelling adopted by DIOGENE in order to upgrade the system and to maintain its compliance.

To define and evaluate a sustainable business model around the proposed solution. To disseminate research activities and results. To prepare the commercial exploitation of the final results.

This WP deals with project managing. It covers progress control and co-ordination among partners, quality control, and ensures the general flow of information between work packages and the general flow of information between participants.



Centro di Ricerca in Matematica
Pura ed Applicata

For more info:  info@diogene.org