Diogene Network Reception
 Introduction  Objectives  Participants  Workplan  Archive  Members  


The DIOGENE consortium includes 8 organisations from several EC countries (Italy, Spain, Bulgaria, France, Greece, Austria and the United Kingdom) and business categories (training organisations, content providers, ICT experts, research bodies and enterprises wishing to train their staff). It comprises the following organisations:

Badegruber & Partnes (Austria)
Badegruber & Partnes is a large adult education centre specialising in distance learning and training. The company's role in the consortium will be to evaluate the system, assessing, in co-operation with other partners, the real added value of DIOGENE in terms of cost effectiveness, learning efficiency, flexibility in time and space, user satisfaction, and so on. It will also be involved in management aspects.

The Centre of Information Society Technologies (Bulgaria)
This is an interdisciplinary research and training institution supporting the development, introduction and use of Information Society Technologies. It will act as content provider by arranging a set of courses about ICT topics, and it will contribute to the test bed of individual ICT professionals and free-lance teachers for the experimentation phase. It will assist CRMPA in DIOGENE's design and implementation, particularly concerning the e-commerce transaction manager. It will also be involved in exploitation, dissemination and management activities.

Centre for Research in Pure and Applied Mathematics (Italy)
CRMPA is a not-for-profit consortium working in the Information Technology field and dealing, mainly, with distance learning and training. It will be the main technology provider and will co-ordinate the project. It will contribute to the technological workpackages, from the analysis of requirements to the implementation of the training environment, and from the definition of learner and knowledge models to the design and implementation of KM tools. It will also be involved in the exploitation, dissemination and management aspects of the project.

Department of Engineering of Information and Applied Mathematics (Italy)
(of the University of Salerno)

DIIMA is promoter and partner of the Centre of Excellence in "Methods and System for Learning and Knowledge". It will participate in the analysis and experimentation phases by contributing to the test bed of free-lance teachers. Moreover, it will be involved in standard monitoring, exploitation, dissemination and management activities.

European Software Institute (Spain)
ESI is an R&D service, consultancy and training provider, mainly dealing with Software Engineering topics. It will act as a content provider by arranging a set of courses about selected ICT topics and will contribute to the test bed of autonomous and SME individual ICT professionals for the experimentation phase. It will also be involved in exploitation and management aspects.

Greta du Velay (France)
Greta du Velay is a public training organisation, gathering many educational institutions dealing with adult and continuing vocational training. It will act as a content provider by arranging a set of courses about selected ICT topics and will contribute to the test bed of individual ICT professionals and free-lance teachers for the experimentation phase. It will also be involved in exploitation and management activities.

LogicDis (Greece)
LogicDis is a large software company with 19 subsidiaries and more than 1000 employees interested in training and re-training its staff in ICT topics. LogicDis will provide end users during the experimentation phase, and will also be involved in the design of the ICT infrastructure. It will also be involved in exploitation and management aspects of the project.

Department of Computer and Information Sciences (UK)
(of the University of Strathclyde)

The Department of Computer and Information Sciences at the University of Strathclyde is experienced in developing models and tools for intelligent information access with automatically constructed similarity thesauri and ontologies. The consortium will exploit this experience in the definition of learner and knowledge models, in the design and implementation of KM tools, and in the design and implementation of the Learning Resources Manager Sub-System. The department will also be involved in project dissemination and management activities.



Centro di Ricerca in Matematica
Pura ed Applicata

For more info:  info@diogene.org